Showing only posts tagged leadership. Show all posts.

I’m join­ing Me­mori­al Sloan Ket­ter­ing to serve as their Chief Di­git­al Of­ficer.


The things I look for when con­sid­er­ing - or cre­at­ing - a job.


My list of char­ac­ter­ist­ics I see in healthy or­gan­iz­a­tions.


Com­plex work is­sues, fam­ily dir­ec­tion, hu­man nature, …

nibr-blog, leadership

Some of the hard­est ques­tions that IT and ser­vice or­gan­iz­a­tions need to grapple with.

nibr-blog, practice-of-it, leadership

You can lead from any role. Be pro­act­ive.

nibr-blog, leadership