Showing only posts tagged humor. Show all posts.

Smart devices … aren’t.

nibr-blog, humor

What we told our kids when we gave them iPhones.

nibr-blog, humor

It is so hard to get a cor­rectly-named cup of cof­fee…

nibr-blog, humor

Mod­ern tech­no­logy could make driv­ing a whole lot more sat­is­fy­ing.

nibr-blog, humor

A CIO grapples with “un­sub­scribe me from this list” ex­plo­sions.

nibr-blog, humor

Ex­plain­ing to my or­gan­iz­a­tion that my bike and I briefly par­ted ways again.

nibr-blog, humor, cycling

A satir­ic­al look at the space crunch prob­lem.

nibr-blog, humor

Wow, an ac­tu­al book!

nibr-blog, humor, tech

I wrote this BE­FORE I got my cof­fee one morn­ing.

nibr-blog, humor

Please do not com­mute to work on a bike dur­ing bike-to-work week.

nibr-blog, humor

Email. Nev­er. Ends.

nibr-blog, humor

How not to give feed­back on oth­er people’s per­form­ance.

nibr-blog, humor

An ode to my teeth.

nibr-blog, humor

I really hate mar­ket­ing spam­mers.

nibr-blog, humor

Me pro­cras­tin­at­ing in­stead of work­ing on an audit re­port.

nibr-blog, humor

Day­light sav­ings time doubled is a bad, bad thing.

nibr-blog, humor