The endless treadmill

Today I was sup­posed to go ski­ing with my kids be­fore I head out on 3 weeks of travel. But it rained. Rain is not par­tic­u­larly good for snow. (And to those of you who live in parts of the globe that are get­ting fresh powder: phll­bbbt! Sigh.)

So, in­stead, I parked my­self at a desk, lined up the shots of caf­feine, cranked up the iPod, and caught up on my MASSIVE EMAIL BACK­LOG…. weeks of ur­gent stuff, slides to read, things on­line… read hun­dreds of mes­sages, sent hun­dreds of replies, fired off lots of things I’d been mean­ing to write that have been on fire for a month. Still have sev­er­al dozen com­plex things to reply to and dozens of calls I haven’t got­ten to… but it feels great to at least catch up on one thing some­what, to have all that email pro­cessed.

And then what happened?

