Tunes for an audit

A help­ful hint to oth­ers who may be on the re­ceiv­ing end of an audit re­port: When pre­par­ing your man­age­ment re­sponse for the aud­it­ors, while try­ing your damnd­est to con­cen­trate while parked in the middle of No­vartis Open Space (tm), the best bands to tune your iPod to are Gods­mack, Dis­turbed, and P.O.D. Avoid the most re­cent Cold­play at all costs.

More on the res­ults of the NITAS audit once this week com­pletes…

(Not that I’m im­ply­ing any­thing about the audit or the aud­it­ors. I’m im­pressed at their com­pet­ency and pro­fes­sion­al­ism and the qual­ity of their audit re­port. I’ve no idea what their taste in mu­sic may be and sus­pect it’s safest not to spec­u­late.)