Why the site

I’m not a con­sult­ant. I’m not a pro­fes­sion­al blog­ger. I’m not selling a news­let­ter. I’m not try­ing to build a brand or to let you know just how amaz­ing I am.

So… why the site?

I like to write.

I write when I’m stuck on a hard prob­lem, and when I’ve figured out some­thing that feels im­port­ant, and when I’m par­tic­u­larly amused at yet an­oth­er dumb thing we do. I write when I’m frus­trated and when I’m ex­cited and when I’m afraid I’m go­ing to for­get some­thing crit­ic­al.

I learn what I really think by writ­ing.

Some­times I share what I write, be­cause people seem to find some of it use­ful or amus­ing.

This is my spot for shar­ing my work-re­lated writ­ing - old and new - to make it easy for me to or­gan­ize and oth­ers to find.