What I do…

… when I’m not writ­ing or rid­ing:

I’m a tech­no­lo­gist and a lead­er. I sup­pose that sounds like I’m full of my­self, but it’s the best way to de­scribe my ca­reer and in­terests with only two words.

In par­tic­u­lar, I seem to keep purs­ing these ques­tions:

  • How can tech­no­logy be used to im­prove the im­pact and value of an or­gan­iz­a­tion? (And how can you tell?)
  • What makes a good lead­er? (And why do we need lead­ers so much?)
  • How do I im­prove my per­son­al pro­ductiv­ity and pos­it­ive im­pact on this plan­et?


  • I’m an In­de­pend­ent Board Mem­ber at Tet­raS­cience, a com­pany that’s chan­ging how life sci­ence com­pan­ies man­age data.
  • I’m an ad­visor at Tamr, a very cool data uni­fic­a­tion star­tup.