Where I can help

I like help­ing com­pan­ies and people who are try­ing to do some­thing in­nov­at­ive or im­port­ant for the plan­et.

As of early 2022, I work at Me­mori­al Sloan Ket­ter­ing.

In a pre­vi­ous job, I might have told you that:

  • My time is lim­ited, but I might be able to help you out via…
    • Board po­s­i­tions
    • Com­pany ad­vis­ory roles
    • Speak­ing en­gage­ments
    • Chat­ting with old friends and re­cent gradu­ates think­ing about ca­reers in bi­otech and big pharma, or in­nov­at­ors con­sid­er­ing health­care tech

But the real­ity these days is that MSK is keep­ing me far too busy as it is, and so I really can­not sign up for any­thing ad­di­tion­al for now.

That said, if some­thing comes up where I may be able to help make a dis­tinct dif­fer­ence con­tact me.