I’m join­ing Me­mori­al Sloan Ket­ter­ing to serve as their Chief Di­git­al Of­ficer.


The things I look for when con­sid­er­ing - or cre­at­ing - a job.


My list of char­ac­ter­ist­ics I see in healthy or­gan­iz­a­tions.


I wrote 200+ blogs while at No­vartis, largely to com­mu­nic­ate with my or­gan­iz­a­tion, some­times just to have fun. More about those and why I’ve re­pos­ted a few here.


How I found my way to Flag­ship Pi­on­eer­ing, a bi­otech in­cub­a­tion firm.

My last blog as CIO of NIBR.


Smart devices … aren’t.

nibr-blog, humor

Dis­able email alerts. Al­ways. And es­pe­cially when present­ing.

nibr-blog, advice

What we told our kids when we gave them iPhones.

nibr-blog, humor

Your com­pany owns the in­form­a­tion you cre­ate at work, not you. And keep your per­son­al in­form­a­tion off your com­pany device if you can.

nibr-blog, advice

Com­plex work is­sues, fam­ily dir­ec­tion, hu­man nature, …

nibr-blog, leadership

Some of the hard­est ques­tions that IT and ser­vice or­gan­iz­a­tions need to grapple with.

nibr-blog, practice-of-it, leadership

It is so hard to get a cor­rectly-named cup of cof­fee…

nibr-blog, humor

Mod­ern tech­no­logy could make driv­ing a whole lot more sat­is­fy­ing.

nibr-blog, humor

How to write your an­nu­al goals for cor­por­ate per­form­ance man­age­ment sys­tems.

nibr-blog, management, advice

A CIO grapples with “un­sub­scribe me from this list” ex­plo­sions.

nibr-blog, humor

Ex­plain­ing to my or­gan­iz­a­tion that my bike and I briefly par­ted ways again.

nibr-blog, humor, cycling

What is eHealth and why does it mat­ter?


A satir­ic­al look at the space crunch prob­lem.

nibr-blog, humor

Wow, an ac­tu­al book!

nibr-blog, humor, tech

What to do about that troub­ling “ex­ceeds ex­pect­a­tions” phrase.

nibr-blog, management

I wrote this BE­FORE I got my cof­fee one morn­ing.

nibr-blog, humor

Please do not com­mute to work on a bike dur­ing bike-to-work week.

nibr-blog, humor

A nice ex­ample of what data, in­form­a­tion, know­ledge, and wis­dom are, us­ing Mt. Everest.

nibr-blog, practice-of-it

You can lead from any role. Be pro­act­ive.

nibr-blog, leadership

The chal­lenges of work­ing across massive timezone gaps.

nibr-blog, management

Email. Nev­er. Ends.

nibr-blog, humor

How not to give feed­back on oth­er people’s per­form­ance.

nibr-blog, humor

An ode to my teeth.

nibr-blog, humor

Mus­ing on the won­der­ful Swiss city where No­vartis HQ is loc­ated.


I really hate mar­ket­ing spam­mers.

nibr-blog, humor

Work­ing in the life sci­ences in­dustry is mo­tiv­at­ing.


Ex­plain­ing why di­git­al is rel­ev­ant and what I mean when I say it.

nibr-blog, tech

An an­swer to my or­gan­iz­a­tion about why I blog.


Me pro­cras­tin­at­ing in­stead of work­ing on an audit re­port.

nibr-blog, humor

Here’s the feed­back I got from my dir­ects, and my re­sponse to that.

nibr-blog, management

Day­light sav­ings time doubled is a bad, bad thing.

nibr-blog, humor

Col­lect­ing an­onym­ized feed­back on man­agers from their dir­ect re­ports.

nibr-blog, management

Buy versus build is rarely that simple. It de­pends on con­text.

nibr-blog, practice-of-it

The in­form­a­tion eco­sys­tem that I found at No­vartis in 2007.


A note to friends, three weeks in­to my No­vartis jour­ney.

nibr-blog, journal